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Enhance E-Scooter Safety with VOI

The Northamptonshire County Council used the Vianova platform to digitally design, implement and enforce additional regulations for e-scooters


No Parking zones implemented


No Riding zones implemented


Low Speed zones implemented


Incentivised Parking zones implemented


trips included at largest e-scooter trial

Learn how we achieved these results together:

By using the Vianova Intelligence Platform, the council was able to communicate their new regulations are instantly to VOI's operations teams, allowing them to implement the necessary changes to their geofenced rules based directly on the council's request.The compliance with these policies was easily monitored through our dashboard and Vianova was able to provide the city with a weekly monitoring report. As a major result and highlighting the success of the project, the number of complaints was reportedly cut in half since the implementation of these regulations.

The Vianova platform enables us to create regulations which can be implemented with a matter of minutes. It provides the ability for us to track and evaluate compliance. Ultimately, it will benefit users, local communities and other stakeholders, and should help to inform some of the considerations on best practices and guidelines for e-scooters operations in the UK.
Ian Achurch
Head of Economy & Strategy at Northamptonshire County Council

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Take digital insights to
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Enhance E-Scooter Safety with VOI
The Northamptonshire County Council used the Vianova platform to digitally design, implement and enforce additional regulations for e-scooters
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