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Share, discover and access a wide range of mobility data

The Vianova Data Exchange brings together data producers and consumers, in a safe and simple exchange. Unlock the power of our Data Products for smarter urban planning and transportation solutions.

A laptop computer sitting on top of a desk.

A unique Data Exchange
with 1000+ Mobility Sources

Browse and pick
Reduce time to access data & complexity of licensing, rely on quality-proof data
Enrich your insights
Easy integration to our intelligence platform to explore additional use cases by combining data
Build, distribute and monetise
Your own data products through the Vianova ecosystem

End-to-end data privacy, security and data sovereignty

We are the first - privacy by design - mobility operating system. Get peace of mind with our strong security systems, trusted partners and GDPR compliance.

Are you a data producer?

Monetise your mobility data and distribute it to a variety of public sector and enterprise customers to create new revenue streams.
Learn More
Build New Revenue Streams
Monetize and share your
mobility data
GDPR Compliance
Aggregated anonymized data for enhanced data privacy & security
Industry Expertise
Rely on our team to serve your use cases successfully
Benefit from our large client and partner network

Get in touch

Lets talk! We are excited to hear how we can help you solve your mobility challenges.


Vianova SAS - Paris, France
Vianova LLC - San Francisco, USA
Vianova - London, United Kingdom
Vianova - Berlin, Germany

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